Obesity treatment app

Blue Virtue Solutions, Inc.


April 2019 – in development


iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS


in development


Public, AppStore

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Worldwide obesity is now an epidemic, and we’re not saying that for effect. It’s growing in numbers, causing any number of diseases and complications with huge treatment expenses, reducing life quality to next to none, and virtually driven by misinformation. At some point, marketing and paid Instagram promotion became sound nutritional advice…

What are the causes, why are you fat, why are you sick? What can you do about it, where do you start?

All sound questions asked literally millions times a day, and usually answered by sales people, not professionals. SWEET app is a platform built to provide scientific answers based on reality, not marketing, connect users with medical professionals (not those paid by food industry) who can provide advice and guidance, instead of Instagram fitness models, track your intake and provide advice what to change to achieve results.



Built for modern World on the move, SWEET is primarily focused on mobile platforms, iOS and iPadOS, with future expansions into macOS and tvOS.


Working hard

SWEET is in development, with expected release date by the end of 2019. Our efforts at the moment are divided between coding and establishing relationships with industry and medical professionals, insurance companies and marketing experts to secure as wide reach as possible.